2024–2025 GiveMN Campaign
We are Applause Community Theatre (ACT). ACT has a long history in the Twin Cities producing full length production, one-act festivals that often feature local playwrights, and participating in Minnesota Association of Community Theaters (MACT) festivals.
Funds will be used for the 2024-2025 season. Please help us with a one-time or recurring donation.
Normal production costs that include [x3]:
Rehearsal space: $1000-1500
Performance space: $1000 - 2000
Royalties and music rentals: $750-2000
Aspiration to provide stipends: $1000-1500
By being frugal on other costs, we can keep production costs under $4,500 per production. Add in the cost of our annual participation in MACT Festivals and we have an operating budget of $15,000, small by local community theater standards.
We would also like to formalize funding workshops of new plays by local playwrights on a quarterly basis with the following costs [x3]:
Workshop space: $300-500
Stipends to playwrights: $250
Ticket sales account for 47-53% of the budget, as we are committed to providing excellent theater at an affordable price.
That's where you come in, we hope. Would you please consider a one-time or recurring donation to Applause to keep the doors open? 100% of what we receive is applied to the costs of production.
We are thankful for any donation, from $5 to $5,000. GiveMN does offer you the option of making a recurring donation (just like MPR) at any level. You could, for instance, donate $25/month, which annually pays royalties for 2 performances. Or even $10/month buys a script for one production every month You get the idea.
Your donations will help fund these activities and we thank you.
Come see our fall one act play festival, featuring a New Zealand playwright and a new work by local playwright Terry Newby.