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2024–2025 GiveMN Campaign

We are Applause Community Theatre (ACT). ACT has a long history in the Twin Cities producing full length production, one-act festivals that often feature local playwrights, and participating in Minnesota Association of Community Theaters (MACT) festivals.


Funds will be used for the 2024-2025 season. Please help us with a one-time or recurring donation.


Normal production costs that include [x3]:

  • Rehearsal space:  $1000-1500

  • Performance space:  $1000 - 2000

  • Royalties and music rentals:  $750-2000

  • Aspiration to provide stipends:  $1000-1500


By being frugal on other costs, we can keep production costs under $4,500 per production. Add in the cost of our annual participation in MACT Festivals and we have an operating budget of $15,000, small by local community theater standards.


We would also like to formalize funding workshops of new plays by local playwrights on a quarterly basis with the following costs [x3]:

  • Workshop space:  $300-500

  • Stipends to playwrights:  $250


Ticket sales account for 47-53% of the budget, as we are committed to providing excellent theater at an affordable price.


That's where you come in, we hope. Would you please consider a one-time or recurring donation to Applause to keep the doors open? 100% of what we receive is applied to the costs of production.


We are thankful for any donation, from $5 to $5,000. GiveMN does offer you the option of making a recurring donation (just like MPR) at any level. You could, for instance, donate $25/month, which annually pays royalties for 2 performances. Or even $10/month buys a script for one production every month You get the idea.


Your donations will help fund these activities and we thank you.


Come see our fall one act play festival, featuring a New Zealand playwright and a new work by local playwright Terry Newby.


We're hard at work putting together lots of information on our upcoming shows and events. If you want to stay up to date on what we're doing please sign up for our mailing list and you will be the first to know. We promise we won't flood your inbox.


We hope to see you at a show soon!

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